Tag Archive for: odinist

man outdoors contemplating Odinism

Odinism, To Me

By D Meister AOR To me, Odinism is the modern expression of the Germanic Folk Soul. It is a manifestation of the Teutonic folkish personality, a personality that seeks a balanced relationship with humankind and its Mother Jorth, a holistic…
TriskelHengest OR


by Vidarolf OR  The number three takes a prominent numerical place in our faith, evidenced in our mythology, all Indo-European myths, symbols, theology and culture. The simple and organic numerology symbolised in the trefot symbol of the…

Orlog and Proactivity

By Gungnir Hama AOR The modern, contemporary Odinist strives continually for advancement in a fighting spirit that resides in his or her proactive essence. Proactivity is healthy orlog, individually and collectively, that will help lead to…

Hail the Heathen Hammer

By Anders B. AOR It were at last year’s G.M, that Blutgeist OR gave a talk and meditation on the hammer and what it means to us that bit deep into me, to the point that I had this overwhelming feeling to make a hammer to be of a high enough standard to represent our faith.

Getting to know your Fetch

By Volksieg AOR The Fetch, as many of you may know, is an entity who is with you, throughout all your incarnations, acting as a guide to greater spiritual development and, when the relationship between Odinist and Fetch is fully developed, it is entirely possible that it can act as a protector in this realm also.

Forward As One – Personal And Unified Advancement Within The Odinic Rite

By Redwald AOR
As a religious movement that is not seen as mainstream yet, it should be viewed necessary to cast an occasional critical eye on ourselves – our attitude, our achievements and our ability to mobilise folk and resources to our best advantage.


By James W AOR The path for most of us, takes us on very different routes and sometimes it is not the easiest route to take. As a matter of fact it is usually full of many speed bumps for all of us. Sometimes the Norns weave a web for us that tests our spirits, our hearts and our commitment to the Gods and Goddesses which will push us to find our own ways. Steadfastness, the ability to stay focused and a good dose of stubbornness is needed in every Odinist that is working to further the awakening of the folk spirit.

ORBriefing: A Lifeline for Lone Members

Look what the OR can do for me! Look what it offers! These comments I thought to myself many times, then it dawned on me, if nobody submitted articles to ORBriefing, if nobody took time to organize and work on things, then there would be nothing for the rest of us to enjoy and look forward to!

Folk Spirit to start the day

By Shawn E AOR Being new to the Odinic Rite can be a tricky thing, as there is much to learn and much to unlearn from previous paths traveled. However, I have found something that has helped me in several ways in my daily life. That is daily meditation and use of the Folk Spirit CD.

New Release: Folk Flame – A Third Compilation of Odinist Artists

The OR Media in association with the Odinic Rite are proud to announce the release of our third album, entitled 'Folk Flame'.

Danish Yule Heart (Julhjarta)

The Danish Yule Heart (Julhjarta) is a beautiful symbol of Freya and Frigga. The loving caresses of our Goddesses warm our hearts and souls through the cold dark season.

In Memory of John Yeowell – “Stubba” (1918-2010)

On 25th Shedding 2260re one of our founding members, John Yeowell, better known as Stubba in Odinist society, passed from this realm at the age of 92.