light at end of tunnelPhoto by Henk Jan Kwant from FreeImages

Ask what you can do….

By Tree AOR I have been in prison for 23 years. A lifetime for some, as I realized the first time I met a kid on the yard who was younger than the date of my arrest. Now there are young men around who are not as old as the tumbler I bought…

Our Time to Shine

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Gothi Redwald OR If you're anything like me you may have spent your younger years thinking up challenging scenarios which you could face down heroically. I remember days spent in the Scout Movement becoming interested in the outdoors and…
man outdoors contemplating Odinism

Odinism, To Me

By D Meister AOR To me, Odinism is the modern expression of the Germanic Folk Soul. It is a manifestation of the Teutonic folkish personality, a personality that seeks a balanced relationship with humankind and its Mother Jorth, a holistic…
You are enough, inspiration


By Hagalaz OR There are times in our lives that we’re faced with trials and tribulations that we must over come, or we’ll ultimately fail and succumb to them. During these times one might find themselves questioning themselves, “Am…
TriskelHengest OR


by Vidarolf OR  The number three takes a prominent numerical place in our faith, evidenced in our mythology, all Indo-European myths, symbols, theology and culture. The simple and organic numerology symbolised in the trefot symbol of the…

New OR Book – Beginning Meditation

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This small book was created to help the Odinist begin and enjoy the mental benefits of meditation. Not only for the beginner but those looking to develop and improve their practice. It is written in a very straightforward and easily accessible…

‘The Charming of the Plough’ – A Short Film

This brand new short film from OR Media explains the first ceremony of the year; the Odinic Rite’s ‘Charming of the Plough’ blot. An ancient ceremony whereby a corn token from the previous year’s harvest is ploughed back into the…

The Rite

by Arinbjorn OR I feel It rising within me The Churning Fire flows Like waves on an endless ocean The Fylfot turns, the Wheel rolls And the Millstone grinds I draw it forth and push it out It is my ink and I will paint the World with…

Meditations on the Peaks

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By Redwald OR Meditations on the Peaks is a short film by OR Media inspired by the Julius Evola book of the same name. This film is not intended to be a review of the book, but aims to inspire Odinists towards a greater connection between…

Living the 9 Noble Virtues while being a stay-at-home father

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By Hagalaz AOR Having been laid-off from a company I had vested over 6 years of my life- without severance pay or unemployment opportunities- provided a myriad of tribulations, depression, financial hardship, sacrifice and personal growth.…

The Psychology of Action

By Redwald OR The Odinic Rite is particularly special because a significant number of our members are active. In this age of fingertip technology where such things as Facebook dominate the lives of many, it is all too easy to live one’s…

Light in the Darkness

By Arinbjorn OR Greetings All! I hope that this last year has passed with ease and brought about at least some sense of evolution and growth. And here is to a New Year filled with more of it! It is a fact in this world that each year,…